Forest School Activities Part 1 Of 5

About This Primary Resource
This is part of a collection of 5 documents available on Early Learning HQ featuring activity ideas relating to the Forest School approach. These documents have been produced as a practical resource with ideas and activities that promote a healthy disposition to learning outside. They have been written with the intention of supporting primary schools in a variety of circumstances, from those with limited outdoor facilities to those with woodlands on their doorstep. The multi-sensory nature of these activities are intended to support all areas of learning all year round.
They were created by Clare Beynon, Lynnette Erasmus, Coral John and Elizabeth Rowden.
Part one focuses on the following topics:
1. Circles of String
2. Memory Game
3. What Am I?
4. Sort your Collection
5. We’ve Lost our Pencils
6. Frisbee Trail
7. Treasure Hunt
8. Trail Sticks
9. Making Music
10. Texture Hunt
11. Leaf Baskets
12. I’m thinking of a Plant
13. The Whispering Message Leaf
This activity should be used in conjunction with our early years risk assessment document .
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fab ideas will be trying many of these
Looking forward to trying these activities
Great thank you 🙂
Much needed ideas, thanks
These would be great to get my reception class started
Can’t wait to try these!
I’m very excited to be apart of our new forest school within our nursery. I was looking for some inspirational ideas for activitities. Any help would be great. Many thanks
Thank you
All 5 sessions are hugely helpful and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks to all the above for sharing their creativity.
Thank you
How do I see all of the above list? Am I being stupid?
Thank you
I am eager to set up a forest school activities for our young members and would love some ideas and inspiration.
I would like to be able to download these ideas, please.
I would love some new ideas
For exploring the outdoors
Interesting resources. Thank you
I am just setting up forest school at my school, would love to be inspired by your planning
Much needed ideas, thanks
just passed my Forest school assignment as a Forest school leader and need aspiration