African Game 6: The Circle Game

About This Primary Resource
This game is from Rwanda and involves all the children sitting in a circle and one person trying to drop a hanky and then pick it up without anyone noticing. If the children in the circle think they know where the hanky is, and get it right, then they have to chase the other child around the circle.
This resource has been kindly shared with us by Lessons from Africa, which is the education programme run by the charity Send a Cow. For 25 years Send a Cow have been helping thousands of African families and orphans grow enough food to eat, sell their produce and develop small businesses that last.
If you would like to find out more about Send a Cow, or make a donation to the charity, then please have a look at their website: Lessons from Africa also offer hundreds more resources suitable for Key Stage 2-4, find them all at their website:
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