Early Years Maths: Problem Solving Through Stories

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An Early Years maths activity from NRICH about trying to solve problems step-by-step by recording all the data you know. This activity uses a story called Pirate Panda and asks the children to decide what the main character should do with all the gold coins he has found, should he keep them or share them out with his friends? This plan encourages children to practice their counting and reasoning skills, as well as discussing the story and recording their findings.
This lesson plan has been kindly shared with us by NRICH, a mathematics project set up by Cambridge University which provide support for those either teaching or learning maths. NRich is run by a group of qualified teachers who work in partnership with teachers and schools to help develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. To find out more about NRich, or to download more high quality lesson plans, go to their website: www.nrich.maths.org/frontpage.
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This looks like a great lesson activity!
Thank you will enhance enjoyment of teaching and learning
I need mathematics story in mathematics teaching and learning