Areas Of The Room ‘Can Play Here’ Signs

About This Primary Resource
A collection of areas of the room posters with different quantities of duplo figures demonstrating how many children can play in a particular area of the classroom at one time. The text is editable. Features signs for the role-play, construction, water and sand play areas. We also have generic ‘can play here’ signs which may also be of interest.
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Could we have a 2 can play here please? Love these resources!
It would be great to have 2 can play here as suggested by KT please for all the areas.
Could you please create some ‘can play here’ signs for other areas of the classroom using the Lego people – they are great. Please make them for the following areas: creative, reading, writing and mark making, maths, ICT. Please also include 2 to 6 Lego people on each. Thank you.
Please let me know if you intend making some ‘can play here’ signs using the Lego people as requested two weeks ago.
It won’t let me download and I am a member, please can you sort this. Thank you
Hi Selina,
I have sent you a message about this issue.