Anti Bullying Poster

About This Primary Resource
Anti-bullying poster, ideal to display in your school or early years setting to promote personal, social and emotional wellbeing. Features two designs, one with an orange background and one with a white background. Designed by freelance graphic designer Emma Pelling. You can see further examples of her brilliant work by visiting
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Nice poster
I think this poster is awesome. I think one of the cruelest forms of bullying is to shun, ostracize or exclude someone just because they are different. The sad thing is that kids can use the excuse that they are following the WITS program and just ignoring the person, somehow that makes it alright, but in truth it doesn’t. Some children are different, and being different is okay. Life would be very boring if we were all the same, we should embrace each person because they enrich us. When you exclude someone because they are different everyone is hurt, and everyone looses.
Thank you