The ELHQ Blog

Welcome to the ELHQ blog. We use this space to let you know about any new teaching resources we have put on to the site and to share any interesting thoughts or observations relating to the world of early years education. Please feel free to share your thoughts about any of the issues raised by leaving comments underneath the posts.


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How to Interpret and Control Behaviour

This article takes a light hearted look at the serious subject of behaviour, terms used to describe children’s behaviour, ways of ‘controlling’ behaviour and the im...

Obesity: A Child’s Perspective

A recent study has shown that the nationwide prejudice of overweight people has filtered down through society into the next generation....

BuyaGift Young Authors Creative Writing Competition

Do you think that you have the next J K Rowling or Roald Dahl in your class? If so, then you may be interested in this creative writing competition for children under 10....

Encouraging Wonderful Questions

One of the most important areas of focus at any early years inspection is the quality of teaching and how this impacts on children’s learning....

Craft Project: Pop-Up Card

This craft project is very simple, but the method can be used to create some very impressive results. Whether you’re wishing someone happy birthday or celebrating a...

Craft Project for Children: Notebook

This is a very simple set of instructions for making a notebook, using a style of book binding called the pamphlet stitch. You can decorate your notebook however you like...

The Power of Photographs in Supporting Children’s Learning

Photographs are a wonderfully versatile resource that can be used to support numerous aspects of children’s learning and development. Here are some examples....

Childcare Ratios: A French Perspective

I watched the Newsnight report last night about the different approaches to childcare in the UK and France, and they discussed some very interesting points....

Craft Project: Papier-Mâché Maracas

Papier-mâché basically means ‘mashed paper’ in French. With bits of plain, boring old paper and a gloopy paste you can make solid 3d structures. Layers of paper are...