The ELHQ Blog

Welcome to the ELHQ blog. We use this space to let you know about any new teaching resources we have put on to the site and to share any interesting thoughts or observations relating to the world of early years education. Please feel free to share your thoughts about any of the issues raised by leaving comments underneath the posts.


If there is a particular early years event or organisation you would like us to draw attention to, or if you would like to contribute to the blog in any way please get in touch, we are always looking for guest bloggers. Click here to read about our blog contributors. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest blog posts and early years resources. You’ll also find a list of our latest resources on our homepage

St. Patrick’s Day Food

With St. Patrick’s day just around the corner I thought I’d look up a quick recipe for Colcannon, which is a traditional Irish meal consisting of mashed potatoes, Kal...

St. Patrick’s Day

Ok we’ve been a bit slow on the update here but we’ve finally managed to put together a few St. Patrick’s Day resources. I know it’s only 2 days away but if you h...

Education and Blood Pressure

Just a quick post about an interesting report I read last week claiming that those who stay in Education for longer are less likely to develop high blood pressure. Accord...

Story Catching

I stumbled across the website of a charity called Creativity Culture and Education the other day and thought I’d spread the word. CCE is committed to encouraging ch...

World Book Night

As a footnote to my post earlier today about World Book Day I thought I’d draw readers’ attention to an alternative supplementary event taking place on March the 5th....

World Book Day

  As I’m sure you’re all aware World Book Day is nearly upon us. Dates vary in other countries but in 2011 here in the UK it will be celebrated on March the 3rd....

Plans for EYFS league tables abolished

I’m sure that early years practitioners up and down the country are breathing a collective sigh of relief this week after the announcement that plans to publish the Ear...

Teaching Schools Network

According to The Times Education supplement some 810 teachers have expressed an interest in becoming one of the coalition government’s 500 new ‘teaching schools’. R...

A Foundation for Life: The New Landscape for the Early Years

It’s not too late to book your ticket for the Foundation for Life national conference held in London on the 2nd of March. Bringing together Ministers, early years exper...