The ELHQ Blog

Welcome to the ELHQ blog. We use this space to let you know about any new teaching resources we have put on to the site and to share any interesting thoughts or observations relating to the world of early years education. Please feel free to share your thoughts about any of the issues raised by leaving comments underneath the posts.


If there is a particular early years event or organisation you would like us to draw attention to, or if you would like to contribute to the blog in any way please get in touch, we are always looking for guest bloggers. Click here to read about our blog contributors. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest blog posts and early years resources. You’ll also find a list of our latest resources on our homepage

Parents recognise the link between emotional wellbeing & play

  Last week I wrote a little bit about Professor Amy Chua (the self styled tiger mum) and her dismissive approach to the value of play and its link to emotional wellbein...

School closures likely after teachers vote to strike

This is probably old news by now but just in case anyone’s missed it there is likely to be widespread public and private sector school closures across England and W...

Classroom technology from the horn book to ipads

Last night I read an amusing blog post about the evolution of classroom technology which I thought I’d share with my readers: Why not check it out and see...

Mumsnet and the tiger mother

I was interested to see a feature on Newsnight last night that ties in quite nicely with my recent blog posts about the value of role play in early childhood and its link...

Promoting emotional intelligence in early childhood

I noted in my last post that a child’s ability to engage in socio dramatic play has a dramatic effect on his emotional, social and intellectual growth. I thought I’d...

The benefit of early years role play

As I said in a recent blog post we’ve been busy adding many new role play / dramatic play resources to our site. I thought I’d follow this up by talking about the inh...

EYFS Role Play Resources

We have been busy adding to our many role play resources and I thought I’d write a quick post to tell you about the various updates....

Sparklebox alternatives

As I said in my last post, ELHQ has absolutely no connection with sparklebox (you can read that post here). Putting aside the abhorrent actions of its creator we also hav...

We’ve had a few emails over the last few months asking us if ELHQ has any connection to sparkle box, so I thought I’d write a quick post to clarify that there is no c...