The ELHQ Blog

Welcome to the ELHQ blog. We use this space to let you know about any new teaching resources we have put on to the site and to share any interesting thoughts or observations relating to the world of early years education. Please feel free to share your thoughts about any of the issues raised by leaving comments underneath the posts.


If there is a particular early years event or organisation you would like us to draw attention to, or if you would like to contribute to the blog in any way please get in touch, we are always looking for guest bloggers. Click here to read about our blog contributors. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest blog posts and early years resources. You’ll also find a list of our latest resources on our homepage

ELHQ: Best Teaching Resources of 2012

First of all, as this is my first post of 2013 I’d like to wish all of our visitors a happy New Year. I spent a bit of time over Christmas watching various programm...

Say it, sign it, and remember it: Using British Sign Language with hearing children

Using British Sign Language with hearing children to promote their storytelling and writing skills   Most young children in the UK have some knowledge of two languag...

The Gift Of Music

No more. Just no more bits of plastic.  I refuse to spend our hard earned pennies on any of the tat that is plugged so regularly on children’s TV channels.  I can...

2012: A great year for teaching

As the end of 2012 draws ever closer, I have been looking back over the last year in the world of Kitchen Fairy Godmother and thinking about my highlights.  Funnily enou...

Online report writing with ReportBox

I warmed to ReportBox straightaway because it was created in my home town by a real teacher in a real school. Rachel Johnston was working in a primary school in Coventry...

The ideal time for storytelling

As Christmas gets near, I can’t help thinking it’s the ideal time of the year for all kinds of storytelling. When I was a child, my aunty used to get out her old-fash...

The cost of childcare in the UK

I haven’t been very active on the blog recently (it’s been really busy here at ELHQ HQ) but I thought I’d write a little something about a really interesting Newsni...

Rumpus in my Rompers: A review

Rumpus is my Rompers is a children’s album for parents who hate children’s music. Classics like ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and ‘Ring-a-Ring a Rosy’ are fine for...

Inspiring a love of reading

I read an interesting article in the Telegraph on Monday about how teaching leaves children hating books because the stories are dissected so much that it takes away the...