The ELHQ Blog

Welcome to the ELHQ blog. We use this space to let you know about any new teaching resources we have put on to the site and to share any interesting thoughts or observations relating to the world of early years education. Please feel free to share your thoughts about any of the issues raised by leaving comments underneath the posts.


If there is a particular early years event or organisation you would like us to draw attention to, or if you would like to contribute to the blog in any way please get in touch, we are always looking for guest bloggers. Click here to read about our blog contributors. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest blog posts and early years resources. You’ll also find a list of our latest resources on our homepage

Getting into the carnival spirit

I was lucky enough this week to be asked by a local primary school to take part in their Mardi Gras celebrations.  Their celebrations lasted the whole school day and the...

Supporting Quiet Children: Book Review

Michael Jones is a well known writer and journalist. He led the Every Child a Talker initiatives in Luton, Thurrock  and Bedford. For many years he was a colleague on Sp...

5 great apps for early years education

Here at Early Learning HQ we always try to create high quality resources which are both educational and visually stimulating, so that you can get the most out of what we...

Making a Word Machine

This is part of a series of posts taken from Dr David Smawfield’s catalogue of resources created to help new teachers, or teachers in training, feel comfortable in thei...

The difference between sharing a story and reading a story

Picture the scene: I am in a preschool book area. I am reading The Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle. Thomas walks in. Me (To Thomas): Let’s share a book. Thomas: I hat...

Understanding levels of stress in the classroom

This is part of a series of posts taken from Dr David Smawfield’s catalogue of resources created to help new teachers, or teachers in training, feel comfortable in thei...

A Different Approach to Helping Children with Dyslexia Learn to Spell/Read

Whether for mild, moderate or severe dyslexia a multisensory approach to learning is proven to help children to make progress in their reading and spelling. The multisens...

Different Approaches to Homeschooling

Deciding to homeschool your child requires a considerable amount or preparation and energy, as you are now responsible for all of your child’s education. There are a va...

Encouraging Reluctant Readers

Is your child a reluctant reader? Many children seem to have a strong dislike of reading. They develop a negative perception of it from a young age and this will often st...