Finding Your Voice: The Importance of Singing with Children

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I grew up in a family that sang. It was the Yorkshire equivalent of the Von Trapp family, but only 3 children! I attended a church that sang accapello and so from an early age I learned to sing in harmony. I sang through school and college and haven’t stopped since. And I married a man who also sings from a culture that bursts into song whenever there is a reason to do so, which is daily.


When I was pregnant the first time I felt my daughter stir within me was as I sang in the band and she has now grown up and has become a gifted singer songwriter.


Music has flowed throughout my life. And over the last year I have joined a choir called The Big Sing, which lifts my spirits and re-energises me. For two hours every Monday night I put everything else to one side and sing my heart out with around 80 other local people. Many of them speak about how being part of a choir has changed their lives, brought joy to them and made them feel more positive about life.


Music refreshes and enriches. It supports a sense of well-being even in the midst of the chaos of our lives. When I was seconded as deputy head for six months I took on the weekly singing assembly and many times staff commented on how much they enjoyed the 15 minutes of enthusiastic song.


Just the other day I attended a music session for babies and toddlers and was reminded yet again of the power of music. One baby was sitting rocking herself backwards and forwards to the beat of the music. Another sat and gazed at the bubbles that were blowing all around as the music played. But it struck me that while some of the mums were happily joining in there were a number who appeared to be uncomfortable. Perhaps they were afraid of singing in such a small group and being heard because someone may have once told them they couldn’t sing (see Tiny Sing).


But I am saddened when I go round early years settings and schools and don’t hear music and song as much as I used to. So I suppose this blog is a plea to restore the joy of singing together in our schools and settings. Singing has so many benefits including:


–      Wellbeing

–      Confidence

–      Builds community

–      Gives children words

–      Supporting attachments – particularly with the parent and baby groups

–      Keeps the lungs healthy

–      Tones muscles

–      Improves and supports memory



When I left my last school I gave them a poster that said “A school without music is a school without a soul” and how true that is. So it’s time to find our voices and in true Military Wives fashion, “just sing”.



“Sing it louder, sing it clearer
Knowing everyone will hear you,
Make some noise, find your voice tonight
Sing it stronger, sing together
Make this moment last forever
Old and young
Shouting love tonight”

Gary Barlow

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