Tell a Fairy Tale Day

Fairy Tale

Today is Tell a Fairy Tale Day, which is a time every year where children and adults are encouraged to share myths and legends, ghosts stories and of course, fairy tales. Events are being held all over the country to celebrate Fairy Tale Day, with some schools holding fancy dress competitions or having a professional storyteller come in and read to the class. A professional storyteller can really bring a fairy tale to life and they are always very popular with the children, so if you have never used one then I would strongly recommend it. We have worked closely with Mary Meldicott in the past and she has always been excellent, you can find out more about her at her website.


We are currently in the process of updating our ‘Stories’ section and have added a lot of well-known fairy tales and story resources recently, which all fit in well with Tell a Fairy Tale Day. Below we have compiled a list of the Top 10 most popular story resources.


1. Snow White Playdough Mats


This set of mats have been designed to be used with playdough and feature a variety of activities relating to the Snow White story.

Snow White Playdough Mats


2. The Gingerbread Man Story Sequencing Cards


This set of flashcards show the chronological order of The Gingerbread Man story and are ideal for helping children  understand the sequence of the story.

The Gingerbread Man Story Sequencing Cards


3. Robin Hood Role-Play Masks


This collection of Robin Hood themed masks have been a very popular addition to the site and are perfect for using during role-play in your classroom or at home.

Robin Hood role-play masks


4. The Little Red Hen Bread Recipe


This bread recipe has been divided into 6 simple steps that should help you to bake bread relatively easily at home or in the classroom. This is an ideal activity to try when looking at The Little Red Hen and can act as a good discussion point when discussing the process behind making bread.

Little Red Hen Bread Recipe


5. Rosie’s Walk Preposition Posters


These posters use the Rosie’s Walk story as a backdrop for discussing the grammatical rules of prepositional words. The posters are very aesthetically pleasing and can be used as part of a classroom display to help children remember what they have learnt.

Rosie's Walk Preposition Posters


6. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Days of the Week Game

is game is part of a series of maths activities that have been based around The Very Hungry Caterpillar story. The Days of the Week game encourages children to look at the story in detail and remember all the different kinds of food the caterpillar ate, before matching the flashcards with the correct day.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Days Of The Week Game


7. Pinocchio Display Posters


This collection of Pinocchio themed display posters are perfect for using to help children remember which characters were in the story. They can act as discussions points during circle time or as part of a display.

Pinocchio Display Posters


8. The Wizard of Oz Story Cut-Outs


This selection of story cut-outs from The Wizard of Oz features a variety of characters and scenes from the story, which are perfect for laminating and using during small world play or to encourage discussion during circle time.

The Wizard of Oz Story Character Cut Outs


9. The Elves and the Shoemaker Word Flashcards


This set of flashcards features a variety of words and images from the well-known children’s tale The Elves and the Shoemaker. They can be used during circle time to help pupils remember the events in the story or to draw their attention to the vocabularly used.

The Elves and the Shoemaker Word Flashcards


10. Jasper’s Beanstalk Display Banner


This decorative display banner features a scene from Jasper’s Beanstalk and is perfect for using as part of a classroom display to help engage your pupils in the story and encourage discussion.

Jasper’s Beanstalk Display Banner

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