The StoryPhones System


Storyphones are so robust and versatile that you cannot imagine how schools have managed without them. Their creator Eleanor Johnson was an early years teacher atSouthStanleyInfantsSchool inCountyDurham and didn’t like the fact that children were stuck in the reading  corner with a plug-in audio head set.


She created her own wish list.  She wanted to use MP3 technology because it is so versatile. She wanted a big rubberised headset so young children and those with special needs could drop the headsets without causing any damage. They had to be wireless of course, with a remote control facility and they had to be brightly coloured.  She and her husband set up a company to make these headsets which came to be known as Storyphones.


Storyphones are a very flexible classroom resource. Children can listen to pre-recorded stories on them but that is just the start. Teachers can record rhymes, music, simple games and even treasure hunt clues.  They can even use them for MFL work.


They can be used with individual children for differentiation or as a group which helps with social skills. They can be used to improve speaking skills  Pupils can record their own voice to improve their speaking skills or help them to overcome a stammer


Storyphones are wireless so children can use them on school trips, for outdoors minibeast projects, for recording tours of the local neighbourhood or sports day commentaries.



  1. Julie Irving says:

    Where can I get Storyphones repaired when they stop working? Or do you know where I can buy replacement parts?

  2. Sandra says:

    How do you put the story phone program onto computer?

  3. Joanne Gould says:

    I need replacement batteries for ours , where can I get these from ?

  4. Diane Shafto says:

    Can you still download stories onto Storyphones? Can I still purchase the software as I have a set in my classroom but no instructions or software cd? Thank you

  5. Sue Lewis says:

    I’m not sure that you are answering these comments as they don’t seem to have replies. We to have an old set of Storyphones that need repair . As I understood it Ammeca who developed and sold them originally went bust but as you are promoting them I guess they have been bought out. I would be very grateful for a contact number email of someone who can repair these or is holding the website for downloading content.

  6. Peter says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’m afraid we don’t have any connection with storyphones. The storyphone system article on our website was published around 10 years ago. I’m really sorry we can’t help with replacements / repairs. Many thanks, Peter

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