The impact of child led learning in EYFS

ABC does conference


I thought I’d draw everyone’s attention to a very interesting conference taking place in Newcastle on the 30th of September. It is being led by Alistair Bryce-Clegg an experienced early years consultant and former head teacher of an Infant School and Early Years Unit. The focus of the conference is on increasing engagement, impact and learning in early years settings by creating a curriculum based around the interests of the children.


In particular, Alistair will be looking at:

– How to construct and then enhance your environment for maximum engagement

– Planning and assessment systems to support a child led learning approach

– How to show evidence of impact, attainment and curriculum coverage

– How to take focussed learning into children’s play rather than stopping their play for learning time

– A range of ideas and activities to tempt even the most reluctant learner!


The cost per delegate is £180 (plus VAT). There are further conferences in Manchester (7th October), Birmingham (11th November) and London (2nd December).


If you can’t make any of these then you can do the next best thing and read Alistair’s fantastic blog. I’m delighted to say that he has also agreed to write a few bits and pieces for our site. He’s going to provide some ideas about how you can create really engaging learning environment’s that are not overly reliant on computer generated resources. It’s sure to be really interesting stuff so please keep checking back to read what he has to say.


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